PHP ile mysql yedekleme islemi

Hi friends,
Following is script by which you can take database dump by PHP script. Class is ready to make the full backup of a mysql database, and can compress the dump in gzip format!
//if t=1 dumps the data, otherwise the structure

//Instantiate the class: host name, user name, and password
$dump = new MySQLDump("localhost", "root", "");

//If you want to compress the output uncomment the follow line
//$dump = new MySQLDump("localhost", "root", "", False);

if ($data=="1") {
$dump->dumpDatabaseData("dbname", $filename, 100);
//If you don't want binary fields saved in hexadecimal
//format uncomment the follow line
//$dump->dumpDatabaseData("nomedb", $filename, 100, False);
else {
//dump the structure
$dump->dumpDatabaseStructure("nomedb", $filename);

//send file to standard output
header ('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"');

//delete temporary files
unlink($filename); [/code] sizlere daha iyi hizmet sunmak için çerezleri kullanıyor. sitesini kullanarak çerez politikamızı kabul etmiş olacaksınız.
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